
SharePoint folder and .sppkg file

jsoriasanz opened this issue · 6 comments





I am trying to test the react-command-document-preview development on my SharePoint Online but I can't compile it as the "SharePoint" folder with the necessary files and the final ".sppkg" file is missing.

Can someone upload the SharePoint folder to the repository?

I have tried with a SharePoint folder from another application and I can compile it but the development does not work in my SharePoint Online as the button does not appear.

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.

You must run
gulp bundle --ship gulp package-solution --ship

Hi @bcameron1231 and thank you for your answer,
When I run this I get the following error:

Error - 'package-solution' sub task errored after 2.11s
Could not find Element Manifiest: sharepoint\assets/elements.xml

Any ideas?

Ah my apologies, I didn't realize it's looking for the xml file. Ya it should be in there. Basically you need to create the sharepoint/assets/elements.xml file. In there you will need to provide the custom action registration.

See this documentation.

I haven't tested, but this looks to be a document library. This elements xml may work, though I haven't tested

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
        ClientSideComponentProperties="{&quot;sampleTextOne&quot;:&quot;One item is selected in the list.&quot;, &quot;sampleTextTwo&quot;:&quot;This command is always visible.&quot;}">

Hi @bcameron1231,

I have tried with your elements.xml and replaced the ClientSideComponentId with my file ID: /src/extensions/documentPreview/DocumentPreviewCommandSet.manifiest.json

When I run the command again I get the following error:
Error - 'package-solution' sub task errored after 2.14s
Could not find Element Manifiest: sharepoint\assets/ClientSideInstance.xml

Just in the documentation that you have sent me appears the method to create this ClientSideInstance.xml file, here is the sample:
{ "$schema": "", "solution": { "name": "command-extension-client-side-solution", "id": "0abe5c73-1655-49d3-922b-7a47dd70e151", "version": "", "includeClientSideAssets": true, "isDomainIsolated": false, "features": [ { "title": "Application Extension - Deployment of custom action.", "description": "Deploys a custom action with ClientSideComponentId association", "id": "25f8df47-61f2-4d75-bfe2-8d614f775219", "version": "", "assets": { "elementManifests": [ "elements.xml", "clientsideinstance.xml" ] } } ] }, "paths": { "zippedPackage": "solution/command-extension.sppkg" } }

*I have created the file but two ID's appear but I don't know why to replace them as neither matches the elements.xml file in that same document.

When I run the command again, it correctly creates the .sppkg file in /sharepoint/solution but when I install the application in SharePoint Online the following error appears in the column "Valid app package": No. Invalid SharePoint App package. Error: The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type.

Thank you again.

Any ideas?