
Cannot bundle react-command-document-preview

pipifot opened this issue · 1 comments





What happened?

When trying to gulp bundle --ship i get the following:

C:\Users\pipifo\source\repos\pnp\sp-dev-fx-extensions\samples\react-command-document-preview>gulp bundle --ship
Build target: SHIP
[11:54:02] Using gulpfile ~\source\repos\pnp\sp-dev-fx-extensions\samples\react-command-document-preview\gulpfile.js
[11:54:02] Starting gulp
[11:54:02] Starting 'bundle'...
[11:54:02] Starting subtask 'configure-sp-build-rig'...
[11:54:02] Finished subtask 'configure-sp-build-rig' after 5.46 ms
[11:54:02] Starting subtask 'pre-copy'...
[11:54:02] Finished subtask 'pre-copy' after 6.51 ms
[11:54:02] Starting subtask 'copy-static-assets'...
[11:54:02] Starting subtask 'sass'...
[11:54:02] Finished subtask 'sass' after 11 ms
[11:54:02] Starting subtask 'tslint'...
[11:54:02] [tslint] tslint version: 5.12.1
[11:54:02] Starting subtask 'tsc'...
[11:54:02] [tsc] typescript version: 3.3.4000
[11:54:02] Finished subtask 'copy-static-assets' after 567 ms
[11:54:04] Finished subtask 'tsc' after 1.65 s
[11:54:04] Finished subtask 'tslint' after 2.37 s
[11:54:04] Starting subtask 'post-copy'...
[11:54:04] Finished subtask 'post-copy' after 274 μs
[11:54:04] Starting subtask 'collectLocalizedResources'...
[11:54:04] Finished subtask 'collectLocalizedResources' after 5.94 ms
[11:54:04] Starting subtask 'configure-webpack'...
[11:54:05] Finished subtask 'configure-webpack' after 518 ms
[11:54:05] Starting subtask 'webpack'...
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: npm update
[11:54:09] Finished subtask 'webpack' after 4.41 s
[11:54:09] Starting subtask 'configure-webpack-external-bundling'...
[11:54:09] Finished subtask 'configure-webpack-external-bundling' after 1.25 ms
[11:54:09] Starting subtask 'copy-assets'...
[11:54:10] Finished subtask 'copy-assets' after 300 ms
[11:54:10] Starting subtask 'write-manifests'...
[11:54:10] Finished subtask 'write-manifests' after 641 ms
[11:54:10] Finished 'bundle' after 8.29 s
[11:54:11] ==================[ Finished ]==================
[11:54:11] Project react-document-preview version:0.0.1
[11:54:11] Build tools version:3.12.1
[11:54:11] Node version:v10.24.1
[11:54:11] Total duration:12 s
The build failed because a task wrote output to stderr.
Exiting with exit code: 1

tried to npm update as mentioned but nothing changed

Using node v10
Found similar issue here where elements.xml was missing could it be the same here?

Steps to reproduce

  1. npm install (Node v10)
    2.gulp bundle --ship
  2. Build fails

Expected behavior

Expecting to be able to build the sample successfully in order to package and deploy

Target SharePoint environment

SharePoint Online

Developer environment



  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • FireFox
  • Safari
  • mobile (iOS/iPadOS)
  • mobile (Android)
  • not applicable
  • other (enter in the "Additional environment details" area below)

Node.js version


Additional environment details

npm 6.14.12
Windows 11
Visual Studio 2022 Professional

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.