[Question] Integrate with Awilix for DI
huyaloha opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi @cjus,
I'm using Hydra for my project with Awilix. Everything work fine with Awilix and Awilix-express for REST API.
However, I'm facing a trouble to resolve objects when handle inter-service message. It's failed to resolve because there is nowhere to inject container when the hydra.on() get fired.
Do we have any ways to add inject container into (like app.use(middleware-to-inject-container)
const app = hydra.getExpressApp(); app.use(containerMiddleware);
constructor (opts) {
this.config = require('./config').HYDRA;
this.umfHandler = umfHandler; // Resolve handler successfully
initialize () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.init(config, function () {
hydra.getHydra().on('message', (message) => {
this.umfHandler(message); // Undefined
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
@huyaloha can you format your code above using three backticks ```
I'm not familiar with awilix
- although I started looking at it after reading your post.
Are you using hydra-express?
Yes, I'm using hydra-express and have no issue with Routers. Only got issue with hydra.on(message)
The issue comes from my code itself. Close ticket.