
no way to pass --inline-diffs option to mocha

Closed this issue · 4 comments

drom commented

Thank you for the great plugin!

mocha has --inline-diffs option that I try to pass.

I have unsuccessfully tried the following option:

options: {
    'inline-diffs': true

try using

options: { 
    mochaOptions: ['--inline-diffs']
drom commented

Not, It is does not work.
Where should I put it?
mocha_istanbul, coverage, mochaTest, istanbul_check_coverage?

'mocha_istanbul': {
  'main': {
    'options': {
       'mochaOptions': ['--inline-diffs']

you can check if the arguments are being passed using --verbose when executing the task, like grunt mocha_istanbul:main --verbose

EDIT: my bad, it should be an array ;)

drom commented

Thank you! It works.