
Adding globals

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I am coming across the following error: myVar is not defined.

Here myVar is a global variable. Is there a way to indicate this in the grunt file?

The relevant part of my gruntfile:

mocha_istanbul: {
      coverage: {
        src: 'build/**/*.js',
          options: {
            mask: '**/*.js',
            coverage: true,
            coverageFolder: "test/coverage",
            print: "detail",
            reportFormats: ['lcovonly']


that's a mocha issue, you should try adding:

mochaOptions: ['--globals', 'myVar']

and see if it works for you.

Do you mean change it to:

mocha_istanbul: {
      options: {
        mochaOptions: ['--globals', 'myVar']
      coverage: {
        src: 'build/**/*.js',
          options: {
            mask: '**/*.js',
            coverage: true,
            coverageFolder: "test/coverage",
            print: "detail",
            reportFormats: ['lcovonly']

If so, I still get the same issue.

Any other suggestions?

are your test files in build/**/*.js? you should be adding only the tests files in src. also mask option overrides the src.

Ah I found my error, the build directory was not complete due to an error elsewhere.

Thanks for the help!