
"commander.opts" function gets overwritten with string "test/mocha.opts"

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wluu commented

In our unit test, when we use the commander module with grunt-mocha-istanbul, it looks like the commander.opts is being overwritten with the test/mocha.opts string:

Running "mocha_istanbul:coverage" (mocha_istanbul) task

    1) exposes extension functions

  0 passing (9ms)
  1 failing

  1) commander exposes extension functions:
     AssertionError: expected 'test/mocha.opts' to be a function
    expected 'test/mocha.opts' to have type function
        expected 'string' to be 'function'
      at Assertion.fail (node_modules/should/cjs/should.js:258:17)
      at Assertion.Object.defineProperty.value [as Function] (node_modules/should/cjs/should.js:335:19)
      at Context.<anonymous> (commander_test.js:9:463)

However, if we run our unit test with mocha by itself, then our assertion passes.

In the below steps, I've attached a zip file that contains the minimum amount of files to reproduce this issue.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download and unzip sandbox3.zip
  2. Run npm install && npm test

it's because commander is looking for the command line options, and since this library spawn new processes, and mocha also with additional arguments, I don't see how this could be circumvented

wluu commented

Yeah, it looks like before this library loads the mocha module, commander.opts is still preserved. Once this library loads the mocha module, the mocha module overwrites the commander.opts with its commander default value, which is test/mocha.opts. Interestingly, I don't see this issue if I use mocha@2.5.3.

wluu commented

All right, I found a way to workaround this:

var program = null,
      should = require('should');

describe('commander', function () {
	before(function () {
		delete require.cache[require.resolve('commander')];
		program = require('commander');

	it('exposes extension functions', function () {

I'll file a another issue with the mocha project to see if they have any insight as well.

Mocha maintainer here; as far as I can tell this is caused entirely by Mocha/Commander and isn't really affected by grunt-mocha-istanbul one way or the other.

wluu commented

I'll close this issue as per ScottFreeCode's comment.