
--debug option

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How can I set up my options so the --debug-brk flag is taken? It seems as if it's skipping it, and running the tests without breaking at start. (Same happens with the --debug flag)

This is what I have:

  options: {
    coverageFolder:  '.coverage',
    mochaOptions:    ['--bail', '--debug-brk', '--reporter', 'dot', '--timeout', '6000'],
    istanbulOptions: ['--preserve-comments'],
    reportFortmats:  ['lcov']

the debug-brk and debug flags, AFAIK, is a interactive state that is not possible when using sub spawned processes by istanbul, because there will be 2 running processes, mocha with the debug-brk spawned by istanbul node process that has no debug-brk, and this helper library wouldn't be able to handle this as well.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification!