Archive old separate Repos
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Not all old Repos, before the combining into this Mono Repo, are archived. One example I found is the subscribe-button, where also a issue ask, if the project is abandoned. In Addition, this repo is pinned at your organisation site.
All repos, that are combined here in this Mono Repo,
- should have link in the Readme to the Mono Repo
- should be archived
- Should not be pinned or other way directly linked (e.g., from your website)
The webplayer for example was correctly handled.
That’s because there is no maintainer for the subscribe button yet. podlove-ui does not contain the full feature set yet therefore it is not archived.
OK, I understand. Maybe this status should be communicated more clearly, to avoid confusion and maybe find a maintainer for it.
Is the button, which is promoted on your website, the unmaintained version or the one here? Looks like its the old one.
It is the old one. The central issue is not the button itself, it is the related Wordpress Plugin. We‘ve communicated that dozens of times but never got a response.
That’s because there is no maintainer for the subscribe button yet. podlove-ui does not contain the full feature set yet therefore it is not archived.
I'm wondering: which version is currently 'live' - the old repo or the new repo that doesn't have all features yet?
Both are live, the old one is the standalone button the new one ships in the player