
--platform not registered on cordova-init

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Following the getting started guide, I wanted to generate both iOS and android projects. I went through the default without passing a platform and it generated for iOS. Now I would like to add android. I have tried several things, but also noticed that --platform isn't an option for cordova-init.

Jeffs-MBP:ember jancel$ ember g cordova-init --help
version: 0.2.5
Requested ember-cli commands:

ember generate <blueprint> <options...>
  Generates new code from blueprints.
  aliases: g
  --dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
    aliases: -d
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
    aliases: -v
  --pod (Boolean) (Default: false)
    aliases: -p
  --in-repo-addon (String) (Default: null)
    aliases: -in-repo <value>, -ir <value>

      cordova-init <name>

Jeffs-MBP:ember jancel$ ember g cordova-init io.hubster.app --platform=android
version: 0.2.5
The option '--platform' is not registered with the generate command. Run `ember generate --help` for a list of supported options.
[?] Overwrite config/environment.js? (Yndh) ^C
greis commented

The following command will add android platform:

ember cordova platform add android


dukex commented

It's a good approach cordova-init add a default platform?