Metatag Version
RealLukeMartin opened this issue · 2 comments
RealLukeMartin commented
The current dev release of metatag, that we are running on, is causing issues with migrations and clones on Aegir. Aegir shows incompatibility with versions inbetween platforms although they have the same 1.x-dev-dev versions.
Is there a reason we want to run off 1.x-dev-dev release or can we go ahead and run off stable release of metatag?
RealLukeMartin commented
The pertinence:
download: { branch: 1.x-dev, revision: 3a7295d }
RealLukeMartin commented
Found out both the patches were merged into 1.5. Going to upgrade metatag to at least that for now and test 1.7.