
Just some feedback

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Not truly an "issue" as such - more "feedback"

  • ignore and close as you wish! 🥰

I love the project

  • for me the idea of a "one-stop" location to find sustainability related jobs is truly awesome
    they're surprisingly hard to find 😢
    so I'm happy to try and contribute

Contributing to the "backlog" is fairly easy - once I remember where to find the link to it

  • but its contents have not changed much since I first saw it

Contributing to the project is less easy and kinda time consuming

  • time (for me personally) I'd rather spend on finding a sustainability related job!

Once (as a job searcher) I've seen a company in README.md - I'll check their website out

  • will manage to find their careers page
  • will see if there's anything relevant
  • will see if their location is workable
    and apply or not

Or (more likely)

Once (as a job searcher) I've seen a job board in README.md
I'm going to use that site which may well have 10's, 100's of companies relevant to the project

  • but how likely am I to come back to this project and contribute those companies one by one?

Some thoughts I've had along the way:

  • Create a web page/form that takes out some of the "grunt work"
    As a contributor, if I've found a company web page that seems relevant, I ideally want to
  • copy their URL
  • paste into a "new entry" page that
  • "auto-fills" various things
    - give me a dropdown for selecting "Jobsite" or "Company"
    - dropdown for the "field"
    - scrape from the page the description etc.
    - maybe find the "Careers" link and auto add that as the "jobs" entry

In my mind these following values are somewhat "Nice to have"
I'd rather see an entry with these missing, than no entry!

So the page/form could optionally
- give me tickboxes for "Remote" and "Speculative"
Let me copy and paste in the text "Address(es)" from the website
- search Google Maps, and pull out latitude & longitude from the Google URL
- search Glassdoor and pull out "ratings" URL, and ratings value

With all that info/input generate some correctly formatted YAML and

  • either add to data.yaml directly
  • or create a snippet that can easily be added
  • check for duplicates

Arguably a developer should find it relatively straight-forward to

  • fork the project, clone it
  • edit data.yaml and add correctly filled out entries
  • commit, push, submit PR etc. etc.

but that's not zero effort so anything that helps automate some of this will help (me anyway)

why not scrape or receive feeds from job-boards?

  • but if README.md was changing many times a day and listed 100s or 1000s of companies it'll stop being so useful due to too many entries!


just some ideas

Kind regards,


Great! Thanks for that feedback. I am quite busy with other things at the moment, but I'll come back to this issue (hopefully in the near future) and give you a proper answer.

👍🏻 no rush in any way

Are you participating in Hacktoberfest? If you add Hacktoberfest tag to the repo it may be more visible next month for people looking for projects.

Are you participating in Hacktoberfest? If you add Hacktoberfest tag to the repo it may be more visible next month for people looking for projects.

@programmin1 good idea! done.

@site-speed I'm currently experimenting with migrating the core of this project to airtable: https://airtable.com/appi6w094nrl0RBZ5/shrR4MYHr28SmwNEC

This also includes forms for adding new data. What do you think about this?

I also experimented a bit with automating the scraping using some AI tools (procedural scraping does not work since the data is too fuzzy), but it does not work good enough yet. Maybe ChatGPT 5 will be able to do the scraping ;)