
View randomly doesn't update iOS 17

arnauddorgans opened this issue · 1 comments


I have a ScrollView containing a LazyVStack with four views, each with its scope.
Randomly, one of the views is not updated.
When I add a tap gesture on the not updated view to print the state, the state prints correctly updated, but the update is not visible in the view.

    let store: StoreOf<DiscoverCategory>

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView { _ in
            WithPerceptionTracking {
                if store.hasError {
                    // Error sate placeholder
                } else if store.isEmpty {
                    // Empty sate placeholder
                } else {
            .padding(.vertical, Spacing.medium)

    private var content: some View {
        WithPerceptionTracking {
            LazyVStack(spacing: Spacing.huge) {
                // One of the following view is randomly not updated
                if store.showSubcategorySection {
                    SubcategoryListSectionView(store: store.scope(
                        state: \.subcategoryListSection,
                        action: \.subcategoryListSection
                ShowListSectionView(store: store.scope(
                    state: \.showListSection,
                    action: \.showListSection
                ProductListSectionView(store: store.scope(
                    state: \.productListSection,
                    action: \.productListSection
                ShowListGridSectionView(store: store.scope(
                    state: \.showList,
                    action: \.showList

I have no runtime warning or nothing.


  • I have determined whether this bug is also reproducible in a vanilla SwiftUI project.
  • If possible, I've reproduced the issue using the main branch of this package.
  • This issue hasn't been addressed in an existing GitHub issue or discussion.

Expected behavior

No response

Actual behavior

No response

Steps to reproduce

No response

The Composable Architecture version information


Destination operating system

iOS 17

Xcode version information

Xcode 15.2

Swift Compiler version information

swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
Target: arm64-apple-macosx14.0

@arnauddorgans WithPerceptionTracking needs to be used wherever a "lazy"/@escaping closure is, which LazyVStack is. Try moving the WithPerceptionTracking into the lazy view:

 private var content: some View {
-  WithPerceptionTracking {
   LazyVStack(spacing: Spacing.huge) {
+    WithPerceptionTracking {

Because this isn't a bug in the library I'm going to convert to a discussion.