
Cancellable issue with children

arnauddorgans opened this issue · 2 comments


I have an issue when a parent feature contains two child features with a cancellable effect.
The cancellable effect with ID is propagated between the two child features.
I made a simple app to reproduce the issue. It may be a feature, but it seems strange that a child feature can impact neighbors.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 12 35 30 Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 12 35 56

I expect both children to complete their tasks instead of canceling the other.


  • I have determined whether this bug is also reproducible in a vanilla SwiftUI project.
  • If possible, I've reproduced the issue using the main branch of this package.
  • This issue hasn't been addressed in an existing GitHub issue or discussion.

Expected behavior

Both child features are loaded

Actual behavior

One child feature is cancelled

Steps to reproduce

import SwiftUI
import ComposableArchitecture

struct TCABugApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(store: .init(initialState: .init()) {
                MainFeature(firstChild: .init(), secondChild: .init())

struct MainFeature {
    struct State: Equatable {
        var firstChild: ChildFeature.State = .init(title: "First Child")
        var secondChild: ChildFeature.State = .init(title: "Second Child")

    enum Action: ViewAction {
        case firstChild(ChildFeature.Action)
        case secondChild(ChildFeature.Action)

        case view(ViewAction)

        enum ViewAction {
            case onAppear

    let firstChild: ChildFeature
    let secondChild: ChildFeature

    var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
        Scope(state: \.firstChild, action: \.firstChild) {
        Scope(state: \.secondChild, action: \.secondChild) {
        Reduce { state, action in
            switch action {
            case .view(.onAppear):
                return fetchEffect(state: &state)
            case .firstChild, .secondChild:
                return .none

    private func fetchEffect(state: inout State) -> Effect<Action> {
        return .merge(
            firstChild.reduce(into: &state.firstChild, action: .fetch).map(Action.firstChild),
            secondChild.reduce(into: &state.secondChild, action: .fetch).map(Action.secondChild)

struct ChildFeature {
    struct State: Equatable {
        let title: String

        var isLoading: Bool = false
        var isLoaded: Bool = false

    enum Action {
        case fetch
        case fetchResponse(success: Bool)

    enum CancelID {
        case fetch

    var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
        Reduce { state, action in
            switch action {
            case .fetch:
                state.isLoading = true
                return .run { send in
                    try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
                    await send(.fetchResponse(success: true))
                } catch: { _, send in
                    await send(.fetchResponse(success: false))
                .cancellable(id: CancelID.fetch, cancelInFlight: true)
            case let .fetchResponse(success: success):
                state.isLoading = false
                state.isLoaded = success
                return .none

@ViewAction(for: MainFeature.self)
struct ContentView: View {
    let store: StoreOf<MainFeature>

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack(spacing: 8) {
                ChildView(store: store.scope(state: \.firstChild, action: \.firstChild))
                ChildView(store: store.scope(state: \.secondChild, action: \.secondChild))
        .onAppear {

struct ChildView: View {
    let store: StoreOf<ChildFeature>

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if store.isLoading {
            } else {
                Text(store.isLoaded ? "" : "")
        .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8))

The Composable Architecture version information


Destination operating system

iOS 17

Xcode version information

Xcode 15.2

Swift Compiler version information

swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
Target: arm64-apple-macosx14.0

Hi @arnauddorgans. You are reusing the exact same cancel ID for effects, which are both created and executed in the parent feature using cancelInFlight. This means that when the second effect is created it will immediately cancel the first.

You can make the cancel IDs unique to fix things:

 struct ChildFeature {
-    enum CancelID {
-        case fetch
+    enum CancelID: Hashable {
+        case fetch(UUID)
+    let id = UUID()

     var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
         Reduce { state, action in
             switch action {
             case .fetch:
                 state.isLoading = true
                 return .run { send in
-                .cancellable(id: CancelID.fetch, cancelInFlight: true)
+                .cancellable(id: CancelID.fetch(self.id), cancelInFlight: true)

But I would strongly suggest moving the onAppear to the non-optional child features instead of invoking the reducers from the parent.

Because this isn't a bug in the library, I'm going to convert to a discussion.