
ForEach<_StoreCollection<String, State, Action>, ObjectIdentifier, SingleTaskView>: the ID ObjectIdentifier(0x0000600003fe8b40) occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results!

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I have studied the latest code of ToDos and tried to improve my project. But the unexpected issue occured. I am not sure if I did something wrong.
I replace Array<Task> with IdentifiedArrayOf<Task> and replace

    state: \.tasks,
    action: \.tasks
) { (store) in
   SingleTaskView(store: store)


List {
      ForEach(store.scope(state: \.tasks, action: \.tasks)) { store in
        SingleTaskView(store: store)

Then the issue occured.


  • I have determined whether this bug is also reproducible in a vanilla SwiftUI project.
  • If possible, I've reproduced the issue using the main branch of this package.
  • This issue hasn't been addressed in an existing GitHub issue or discussion.

Expected behavior

Can someone help me, Thanks

Actual behavior

ForEach<_StoreCollection<String, State, Action>, ObjectIdentifier, SingleTaskView>: the ID ObjectIdentifier(0x0000600003fe8b40) occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results!

Steps to reproduce

I tried to reassgin the value of state.todos.

The Composable Architecture version information


Destination operating system

macos 14.3

Xcode version information

Version 15.2 (15C500b)

Swift Compiler version information

Swift version 5.9.2

I logged state.todos and there were no identical ids.

@zhangpeibj01 In the upgrade guide we note that the 1:1 migration requires you to explicitly select the id from store state, otherwise ForEach will take the child store's object identifier:


So you should update your code for a true comparison:

-  store.scope(state: \.tasks, action: \.tasks)
+  store.scope(state: \.tasks, action: \.tasks), id: \.state.id
 ) { store in
   SingleTaskView(store: store)

I'm going to convert this to a discussion since it doesn't appear to be a bug with the library, but if you do think you've encountered a bug, please provide a sample project that reproduces the issue. Without it we won't be able to troubleshoot the problem.