
[Just A Headsup] Possible Breaking Changes with WordPress 4.9

norewp opened this issue · 5 comments


This is just a heads up and may depend on enviroment. See images for visual representation of the issue.
Seems like WP 4.9 will break some controls on certain modules.

Widget deletion is also affect as well as the columns and sections on the page!

Steps to reproduce

Install Beta Tester plugin for WordPress and update to the currently Nightly Build.
Edit a page with Elementor and add a module - tested with the Button widget.


WordPress 4.9-alpha-41635
Elementor v1.7.11
Elementor Pro v1.9.3
With or without any other plugins active
Any theme.


Fix for v1.8: 6abb103

Thanks for your feedback!

I don't know if it's 100% relevant, but this is happening to me now on a 1.8.5 Elementor / 1.10 EPro installation with Wordpress 4.9. The only fix is to roll back Wordpress. Other setups with the same configuration have no such issue.

I made a post in the Elementors Community Facebook board, and my video documents this exactly:


I have other sites with the same versions of Elementor, EPro, and Wordpress, on the same servers, with the same (no) caching, with the same plugins installed (almost none), and I only run into this on one of them.


The fact that you have the same thing running on the same server with same configuration and everything works, is leading me to believe its related to that specific setup (server/theme and plugins).

please contact our support via support@elementor.com for assistance.


It looks like this is a browser cache issue. When upgrading to 4.9, it is necessary to (for some) do the old Ctrl + F5 AFTER Elementor loads up (editing a page) or to clear browser cache/history.

Tested and working in Incognito mode, then nuked Google Chrome, and it worked great normally after that.

I would call this a case closed! The Ctrl + F5 didn't seem to work previously, but clearing all browser cache did this.

I can repeat this experiment by downgrading to 4.8.3, then upgrading to 4.9 and the problem will persist.

But cache is the issue, at least in that case. (in case anyone else finds this github thread like I did, and is looking for an answer). Thanks to the answers in the Elementor Community (Facebook) for that.