
After moving a Section that has Columns in it, you can't resize the Columns via the "Column Width" field

Pikamander2 opened this issue · 5 comments


  • I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
  • The issue still exists against the latest stable version of Elementor.


Normally I can resize a column by changing the "Column Width" field.

But sometimes the column width will refuse to apply/save the new value and will throw this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'errors' of undefined
    at n.onEditorInlineSizeInputChange (editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6:2)
    at i.function.l.(/wp-admin/anonymous function) [as validationMethod] (https://example.com/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6:2:217231)
    at isValid (editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6:2)
    at i.function.l.(/wp-admin/anonymous function) [as isValid] (https://example.com/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6:2:217231)
    at editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6:2
    at Array.every (<anonymous>)
    at n.onBaseInputChange (editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6:2)
    at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=underscore,shortcode,utils,jquery-core,jquery-migrate,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,moxiejs,plupload,wp-plupload,jqu&load[]=ery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable&ver=4.9.8:11)
    at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=underscore,shortcode,utils,jquery-core,jquery-migrate,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,moxiejs,plupload,wp-plupload,jqu&load[]=ery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable&ver=4.9.8:11)

It only happens from time to time, so it was difficult to figure out what the trigger is.

It turns out that it's caused by moving a Section (row) that has a Column widget inside of it.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a page that uses Elementor
  2. Add a Section to the page.
  3. Add another Section to the page that contains the Columns widget.
  4. Move the Column widget's Section to another location (you have to move it somewhere different; it can't remain in the same spot).
  5. Click Edit Column on one of the columns
  6. Attempt to change its Column Width under the Layout tab.
  7. The column will not change in size, nor will it save your new value. Additionally, the console will produce that error.

Here's a video summarizing those steps and demonstrating the error:
Streamable link
Zipped MP4 file

This issue has occurred on two very different environments, one of which was almost a fresh install of WordPress but had Elementor installed.

Updating and refreshing the page will fix the issue, so my guess is that some kind of column reference isn't being copied when the Section is moved. Interestingly, you can still manually drag the column divider to change their widths.

Isolating the problem

  • This bug happens with only Elementor plugin active (and Elementor Pro).
  • This bug happens with a default WordPress theme active.
  • I can reproduce this bug consistently using the steps above.


System Info ```

== Server Environment ==
Operating System: Linux
Software: Apache
MySQL version: 10.1.31
PHP Version: 7.0.31
PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
PHP Max Post Size: 32M
GD Installed: Yes
ZIP Installed: Yes
Write Permissions: All right
Elementor Library: Connected

== WordPress Environment ==
Version: 4.9.8
Site URL: (any site)
Home URL: (any site)
WP Multisite: No
Max Upload Size: 32 MB
Memory limit: 40M
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Language: en-US
Timezone: America/New_York
Debug Mode: Inactive

== Theme ==
Name: Twenty Seventeen
Version: 1.7
Author: the WordPress team
Child Theme: No

== User ==
Role: administrator
WP Profile lang: en_US
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36

== Active Plugins ==
Version: 2.1.6
Author: Elementor.com

== Debug ==
TypeError: Cannot read property 'errors' of undefined
at http://example.com/tempbugtest1/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js?ver=2.1.6 - 2:139163
2018-08-13 08:53 +00:00
x 23 times


We can't replicate,
Please contact our support at support @elementor.com for guidance in resolving this issue and mention that you were directed by me and reference this issue.


@bainternet - I'll get in touch with them, though the issue seems to occur pretty consistently. Are you positive that you tried the steps in the same order as the video? Do you think that you could record yourself going through the steps so that I could take a look? I'd really like for this to get fixed, as I'm sure that other users have run into it as well.

@bainternet Confirming this issue. I've been facing it since the time I started to use Elementor (ver. 1.5). I wanted to start the issue too, but wasn't able to trace the trigger.

My error says:

TypeError: this._parent is undefined[Zjistit více] editor.min.js:2:139138 onEditorInlineSizeInputChange http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js:2:139138 onEditorInlineSizeInputChange self-hosted:985:17 r/</l[e] http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js:2:217227 isValid http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js:2:46342 r/</l[e] http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js:2:217227 onBaseInputChange/< http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js:2:50246 every self-hosted:195:17 onBaseInputChange http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/editor.min.js:2:50219 onBaseInputChange self-hosted:983:17 dispatch http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-admin/load-scripts.php:9:12392 add/r.handle http://localhost/bioapoteka-nova/wp-admin/load-scripts.php:9:9156

This issue is resolved in the beta version of Elementor v2.2:

Thanks for the feedback!

It seems, that the problem has been resolved for this specific trigger (moving the section).
But it haven't been resolved completely, I'm still getting the same error from time to time.
I'll keep on tracing out what's causing this issue.