
Would you kindly replace 2nd confirm with exit module button ~ Marie

Opened this issue · 5 comments

After you submit something, the checkmark button tries to submit the thing again instead of closing the window. So then it gives you a pop-up saying "you just submitted this, error" or something. Really awkward UI there.

There's only a "cancel" and the "confirm" button after submitting the changes, which makes it rather redundant and a little confusing. Once submitted, the confirm button should be an exit button or it should just close automatically.

~ From SaberMarie

I think we agreed this would be best to have the modals close after they finish updating.

Although, we still don't see where the bug came from, as submitting a link is not a modal.

So, this came up again, from the flair submission modal (From Marie)

I really don't like Marie's solution of turning the submit button into a close button, as changing what a button does is also really confusing.

However, I have 2 suggestions:

  1. Change "cancel" button to "close" (because it should be clear, with the submit button that the close button doesn't submit), and it makes it more clear what to do once we have submitted the first time. Then just disable the submit button after success until the modal is closed
  2. Close the modal after success, and use a toast notification to let the user know of success instead.

Thoughts, guys? I would be happy with either of these suggestions.

Once we've got gen 7 and a bit of legality done on porybox, I'd like to come back to flairhq for a bit to get some of these niggles sorted.

Option 1 is probably the most logical.

Raia commented

I need more context on this. What is the "something" we are submitting?

I need more context on this. What is the "something" we are submitting?

So, specifically it is flair text. There might be others, but I don't think there are.