Sending raw transaction shows mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed error
fereshteh-jvz opened this issue · 3 comments
I'm trying to create a raw transaction for bch testnet. But when sending it, I get this error: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation) (code 16). I run out of ideas and I don't which part I'm doing wrong.
This is my code:
val creationtime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000
val network = TestNet3Params.get()
val path = HDPath.M(ChildNumber(44, true))
ChildNumber(145, true),
val seed = DeterministicSeed(seedCode, null, passphrase, creationtime)
val wallet = Wallet.fromSeed(
) // this is a test wallet to see if it will work
val privateKey = wallet.watchingKey.privateKeyAsHex
val fromAddress = "bchtest:qrxqjk7d7f4kqzvjqux0g2qwr42kzfwjcs7plfytvm"
val toAddress = "bchtest:qzqxaef45wvwxqq38r6h7d2q2kgxa90a25aghw98ua"
val prevTxHash = "e2d06c0b446d9bfe4b91e000fd6451b48643e2d74c9023b5fa9d5344092bcf12"
val outputAmount = "0.02".toSatoshi()
val feeAmountInLong = "0.00000300".toSatoshi()
val fromAddr = AddressFactory.create().getAddress(network, fromAddress)
val toAddr = AddressFactory.create().getAddress(network, toAddress)
val tx = Transaction(network)
val value1 = "0.10".toSatoshi()
val changeAmountInLong = (value1) - outputAmount.toLong() - feeAmountInLong
val transactionOutpoint1 = TransactionOutPoint(network, 0, Sha256Hash.wrap(prevTxHash)) //prevTransaction
val scriptBytes1 = HEX.decode("76a914cc095bcdf26b600992070cf4280e1d556125d2c488ac")
val txInput1 = TransactionInput(network, tx, scriptBytes1 ,transactionOutpoint1, Coin.valueOf(value1))
tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf(outputAmountInLong), toAddr)
tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf(changeAmountInLong), fromAddr)
val scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(fromAddr)
val hashForSignature: Sha256Hash = tx.hashForSignature(0, scriptPubKey, SigHash.ALL, false)
val ecKey: ECKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(HEX.decode(privateKey))
val ecSig = ecKey.sign(hashForSignature)
val txSig = TransactionSignature(ecSig, SigHash.ALL, false, true)
txInput1.scriptSig = ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSig, ecKey);`
I'd appreciate your help @pokkst
Can I see an example raw transaction hex?
Can I see an example raw transaction hex?
Sure. This is my raw transaction hex:
I figured out my fromAddress was wrong and was not the same as the one that my seed produced and that was the reason I faced that error. But now that I fixed it I run into another error:
mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation)
this is my raw transaction: 0100000001766d266bc5b02fbc28074fc0c356cf136ea765287b627e728491fe746d33c4a9000000006b483045022100da0fe5666274051a9667d458e87c60c2805860747fb94ccf42f9be4e95a4b69e02207feec061f42b2f9148277b298681b2eddfec81f3531080d79ddd6c63521f2ff44121032a5ca9f5391712e636ed2ebc62fc5801eff1c666d9db35f3957b191eebddfc77ffffffff0280841e00000000001976a914806ee535a398e3001138f57f354055906e95fd5588ac70237b00000000001976a9146f8227901f4b2ba31c53449a6b68737d5180a07388ac00000000
Is there anything wrong with my code in creating script? Any help would be greatly appreciated.