
Conan package

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Do you know about Conan?
Conan is modern dependency manager for C++. And will be great if your library will be available via package manager for other developers.

Here you can find example, how you can create package for the library.

If you have any questions, just ask :-)


I have made a Conan package recipe for your library (for my current project's requirements):

The recipes does not compile any tests target for now, but still, this is a starting point if you decide to publish you library as a Conan package.

It mostly uses bincrafters templates with modified CMakeList.txt (root) and conanfile.py (root)

Do you want to post it to bincrafters repo?

It depends. I always prefers when a library owner manage the packaging of the product. It depends on @pokowaka intentions for this request.

And also, my recipe is in a "raw state" for now. It needs to be improved before publishing (if I decide to publish it).

Let me look into this. @ImpressiveDev I will see if I can use your repo as a starting point.

I am also working an updated conan recipe. But this first requires the implementation for issue #34 .