jwt.ccp char array
sburnwal opened this issue · 2 comments
sburnwal commented
I see this code in jwt.cpp:
str_ptr dec_header(new char[num_dec_header]);
if (Base64Encode::DecodeUrl(header, num_header, dec_header.get(),
&num_dec_header) != 0) {
// This cannot happen, as we have checked for valid characters already..
throw std::logic_error("validated header block has invalid characters");
// Make sure we have a proper \0 termination
dec_header.get()[num_dec_header] = 0;
Shouldn't the last line be like below ? I mean the array size is num_dec_header, so the last element in the array is at num_dec_header - 1.
dec_header.get()[num_dec_header - 1] = 0;
pokowaka commented
Yes! This is really bad.
Let me fix this.
pokowaka commented
Thank you for finding this!