
[Utility] Fisherman Protocol - Charts & Diagrams

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Create sequence diagrams and flow charts for the fisherman protocol.

Origin Document

The fisherman protocol is the core of the V1 Pocket Network. As described in the V1 Pocket Network Utility Fisherman Protocol Specification, there are a lot of moving parts here.


  • Make the spec clearer so that it is easier for others (new tea members or external contributors) to understand
  • Preparatory work / clarification that can be used to define the interface of the "fisherman protocol module" in a follow up task
  • Preparatory work / clarification that can be used to implement an isolated "fisherman protocol module" that can be developed and tested in isolation using mocks of dependencies


  • A sequence diagram showing the types of requests and flow of data throughout a fisherman's lifecycle using mermaid flow charts. Note that more than one may be necessary. For an example, see what we have in the persistence module architecture doc.

  • A flow chart showing which components and modules are involved in the fisherman protocol using mermaid flow charts

  • Follow up tasks of things that need to be design and implemented (e.g. fast sync design, slow sync implementation, etc...)


  • Defining or updating the codified interface to be used by the fisherman protocol
  • Implementing any part of the fisherman protocol (i.e. no code)
  • Modifying the fisherman protocol

Creator: @Olshansk
Co-Owners: @andrewnguyen22