
Native audio recording

polarby opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently there is not support to capture device audio within flutter. In order to render widgets that do not have a set audio file (eg. live streams), but rather can only be captured by recording the device audio input.

Please provide packages or approaches to target this issue.

这个问题必须要解决, 不然录制视频就没有意义了;我现在是用 图片流 uint8list 用 image.memory 加载的; 现在想用这个录制下 发现没有声音.

It is very import, I use a image.memory load the stream ,now i want record the video,so I found it in here




我不是很确定可不可以实现,就是通过按帧分离音频出来,对应于当时的图片帧,然后再通过 ffmpeg命令合成还原出来;
i am not sure that is right, if we can divide the audio by the time of the image frame, then we can compose it