
Transfer the budget between different categories

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for the great plugin.
Is there a way to transfer the budget between different categories?

For example: in April, I have the 500.00 budget left in Expenses:Foods
In May, I plan to use this budget to take a course, is it possible to transfer this 500 from Expenses:Foods to Expenses:Course without allocating the new budget?

do not think there is a way currently, will look to add at some point

+1 for transfer feature. Would be really great to have it

capi commented

Very new to the extension and just playing around, but shouldn't you be able to simulate a transfer using

2023-04-30 custom "envelope" "allocate" "Expenses:Foods" -500.00
2023-04-30 custom "envelope" "allocate" "Expenses:Course" 500.00