
Negative Rollover option -- incorrect budget amount

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When using the negative rollover option, it carries over the overspent amount in the available-to-budget calculation, but it should ignore that amount instead.

Example with current code:


Name Amount
Funds for month 100
Overspent in prev month
Budgeted for month -100
To be budgeted for month
Budgeted in the future
Category Budgeted Spent Available
Food 50 -55 -5
Rent 50 -50


Name Amount
Funds for month 100
Overspent in prev month -5
Budgeted for month -100
To be budgeted for month -5
Budgeted in the future
Category Budgeted Spent Available
Food 50 -50 -5
Rent 50 -50

Notice that the total amount available for the two months was 200, and 200 was budgeted, but the system says you have over-budgeted by 5.

Instead, it should look like this when negative rollover is used:


Name Amount
Funds for month 100
Overspent in prev month
Budgeted for month -100
To be budgeted for month
Budgeted in the future
Category Budgeted Spent Available
Food 50 -50 -5
Rent 50 -50

Since the overspent amount from the previous month is left on the accounts as a negative available amount, we can't deduct that from the available amount to budget.