No LED on W
Closed this issue · 3 comments
CMakeLists.txt needs something like...
# Configure compilation flags and libraries to cater for Pico W
message(STATUS "It's a Pico W.....")
target_link_libraries(pico_fido PUBLIC pico_cyw43_arch_none hardware_clocks)
Otherwise in main() PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN is set and CYW43_WL_GPIO_LED_PIN isn't
Do you pass PICO_BOARD=pico_w
to CMake?
Yep - via ...
set(PICO_BOARD pico_w CACHE STRING "Board type")
I notice your latest Release build also doesn't do the LED on a W
Odd really as pico-keys-sdk/pico_keys_sdk_import.cmake has a test for it and includes correct lib
Then again building on Windows prob doesn't help at my end
Sorry - just discovered one (of five) Ws I tried pico-fido on is different from the others
Turns out it works fine on four of them but fails on the other (which is the one I tried first)
The blinking idle is very distracting. Got a bunch of Waveshare-RP2040-GEEKs as they have inbuilt 1.14" 7789 LCDs (and were dirt cheap from China). Wanna change blink into LCD telling you what it wants you to do next.