
[Bug] Existing nominations are not loading, so I can't manage them nor Nominate again

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Not loading even after refresh, reconnect, multiple RPC provider changes, long wait..

Even other parts of the website are very slow, so there must be some issue..

Loading for me. Try IBP-GeoDNS2.

It's not completed. As I already said, it doesn't work even with switching RPCs.

Have you tried to reproduce my case? I already have active nominations (I'm trying to add more), on Chrome on Mac, on Kusama. Please show a screenshot of this working case before closing.

I tried ALL RPC Providers, and none is loading my Nominations nor allowing me to click "Manage". How am I supposed to get my KSM back?!

Hi @kopeboy, yes I did attempt to reproduce. IBP-GeoDNS2 worked for me with my active Kusama nominator.

If you would like to share your address in question, privately if preferred, I can double check your nominator is set up as intended. There are other means to get your KSM back apart from staking dashboard, such as JS Apps. Not to worry, it does just sound like a UI error.