
Upgrade to new repo polkadot-sdk and release-polkadot-v1.1.0 branch

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Our chain is actually updated to the last polkadot release available on the polkadot-sdk repo, and we are planning to start implementing the EVM pallet.
The most recent polkadot branch that I see on this repo is polkadot-v1.0.0 which are also using the old substrate repo.
We are going to have a hard-time with dependencies resolutions if we need to use this old branch to implement the EVM pallet.

Suggested Solution

Switch all substrate dependencies git path to https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk.git and branch to release-polkadot-v1.1.0

We currently only update the substrate branch when polkadot releases an official version.
And before upgrading to polkadot-1.1.0, there are still several PRs that need to be merged first.

Thanks for the upgrade to the new polkadot-sdk repo.
But I saw that the "polkadot-v1.1.0" of frontier repo is based on polkadot-sdk "master" branch. Wouldn't make it more sense to base it on the polkadot-sdk "release-polkadot-v1.1.0" ?