pageSize is interchanged with blockLimit
Closed this issue · 1 comments
matthijsb commented
See for example this account:
It creates this query, which uses the blockLimit for the pageSize :
query { getEventsByAccount( filters: { accountId: "0xfc4d6069cb980fcde6ef73a46f1894d66c152e9ddfac3a499cf6a1654ff5f55b" }, pageSize: 500000, blockLimitOffset: 13053521 ) { objects { blockNumber, eventIdx, attributeName, accountId, attributes, pallet, eventName, blockDatetime, sortValue, extrinsicIdx }, pageInfo { pageSize, pageNext, pagePrev, blockLimitOffset, blockLimitCount } } }
arjanz commented
This results in retrieving a balance-history of 500000 items and causes a query-timeout or a browser freeze