
A lot of deprecation, credo and general code quality warnings.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

warning: redefining @doc attribute previously set at line 1204.

Please remove the duplicate docs. If instead you want to override a previously defined @doc, attach the @doc attribute to a function head (the function signature not followed by any do-block). For example:

    @doc """
    new docs
    def await_signal(...)

  lib/chaperon/session.ex:1229: Chaperon.Session.await_signal/2

warning: function async_metrics/2 is unused

warning: function async_results/2 is unused

warning: function required_config/2 is unused

warning: Supervisor.Spec.worker/2 is deprecated. Use the new child specifications outlined in the Supervisor module instead
  lib/chaperon/master/supervisor.ex:12: Chaperon.Master.Supervisor.start_link/0

warning: Map.size/1 is deprecated. Use Kernel.map_size/1 instead
  lib/chaperon/master.ex:332: Chaperon.Master.running_load_test?/1

warning: Chaperon.Export.InfluxDB.child_spec/0 is undefined (module Chaperon.Export.InfluxDB is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/chaperon/supervisor.ex:37: Chaperon.Supervisor.children/0

warning: Supervisor.Spec.supervisor/2 is deprecated. Use the new child specifications outlined in the Supervisor module instead
Invalid call found at 2 locations:
  lib/chaperon/supervisor.ex:15: Chaperon.Supervisor.children/0
  lib/chaperon/supervisor.ex:16: Chaperon.Supervisor.children/0

warning: Supervisor.Spec.worker/2 is deprecated. Use the new child specifications outlined in the Supervisor module instead
Invalid call found at 2 locations:
  lib/chaperon/supervisor.ex:17: Chaperon.Supervisor.children/0
  lib/chaperon/supervisor.ex:27: Chaperon.Supervisor.children/0

Etc. we may do a maintenance cycle, but it would be cool to learn about the maintenance status? Maybe a maintained fork?..

I can merge your fixes, I will review them this week. Sorry, haven't been actively working on keeping this up to date recently due to other obligations. Any patches are welcome, especially anything maintenance related and keeping things working with the latest version of Elixir.

Dear @bakkdoor, there is absolutely nothing to apologise for!
You don't owe anyone anything ❤️
Thanks for an amazing library.
We'll turn the patches into a pull request to minimise your work!

Thanks, any PR is greatly appreciated!