
Sound Hex ID is 1 larger than what it should be

robinhood-code opened this issue · 4 comments

The default display of Hex number of a sound file is 1 larger than what it should be, as the list should starts from 0x000 instead of 0x001.

However, if you try to edit the name of the sound file, and then cancel by Esc button, the display will be corrected. However, the "Insert \ Replace" field is still wrong.

@dickwkf thanks for reporting this. Can you please tell me which version of UOFiddler are you using?

edit: ok. For now I assume it's the latest 4.9.8. So the displayed value is not an index in sound.idx/.mul file but the sound id stored in extra field in sound.idx


On POL emulator it is sending the sound id to the client and this initial 1-based indexing works fine. On ServUO I see that those are off by 1 as they are using 0-based indexing. So I'm not sure which of those is right. I don't have Sphere emulator working to check this. Right now I'm not sure which emulator has this right so it was made for POL as this worked there. I'll try to investigate this a bit in future.

So either way the bug with replace is still there as it's off by 1.

edit-2: So after brief discussion with POL devs it looks like we internally have it +1 so it should be 0-based. I will fix this in near future.

Yes, that was with latest version (4.9.8) and thanks for fixing it.

@robinhood-code FYI. It's fixed and published in version 4.9.9.

Thank you!