
Do everything Subuser needs

warpfork opened this issue · 1 comments

Repeatr should do all the things that Subuser needs! Because that project is awesome ;)

Specifically though, as a mission statement: Yes, Repeatr should make sense as a provider of image transport mechanisms for a project like Subuser. Deterministic application deployments for an end user, even on a graphical system -- even when these systems integrate with humans in such a way that they're not repeatable (e.g. interactive gui, etc) and/or stateful -- is totally on point with the kind of world we want to make possible with Repeatr.

Even if running desktop and graphical applications means building a lot of escape valves, there's still a ton of value here. Smooth delivery routes where repeatable build processes lead directly to an end-user install would make it not just possible but easy to to audit Where Stuff Came From... and that's the kind of desktop operating environment I'd love to live in.

See also subuser-security/subuser#220

Closing as sort of non-actionable :) It's issue tracker cleanup day!

The mission remains true and valid, though.