Polifill and google places API clash
RuanEksteen opened this issue · 3 comments
RuanEksteen commented
when using the polufill cdn
<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=default"></script>and the google places API
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=[API KEY HERE]&libraries=places"></script>You get a Uncaught TypeError: this.Tm is not iterable, in the google library.
When removing polyfil the google api continues to work.
shuuji3 commented
polyfill.io has been unstable recently. Fastly started providing more stable hosting at polyfill-fastly.net
and polyfill-fastly.io
. You can replace polyfill.io
part with one of these domains. Please see #2834 for the details.
RuanEksteen commented
Thank you for the heads up, I will try fastly, thank you.
shuuji3 commented
You're welcome! 🙂