
Are Pop Lyrics Getting More Repetitive?

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A starter template for projects. Features include:

  • Transpiles ES6 with Babel
  • Stylus for CSS pre-processor
  • Bundles and minifies JavaScript with FuseBox
  • Bundles, minifies, auto-prefixes, and inlines CSS
  • Async font loading (using FOUT)




Create a new project directory and cd into it, then:

curl -Lk http://bit.ly/2bgptna > Makefile; make;




Any changes to the src/ folder will trigger live reload.

  • JS: Put JS in src/js/, and take a look at entry.js and graphic.js, it has some basic skeleton stuff setup for you.
  • CSS: Put CSS in src/css/story/. You can put everything in story.styl, or create any new files you want in that directory wich are included automatically. Checkout src/css/base/ for helper variables and functions.
  • HTML: Put HTML in src/html/partials/story/. Be sure to include your partials in src/html/index.hbs.


Run gulp dist

This generates a single html file with inlined css, a single js file, and a folder with assets in the dist folder.

To deploy new dev version on github run make github

To deploy live to s3, you must install awscli and configure your settings. Then run the following, replacing year/month/name with your own (eg. 2017/01/nba):

aws s3 sync dist s3://pudding.cool/year/month/name --delete

To force cloudfront to fetch latest html file (replacing id-here with the cloudfront distro id, and year/month/name with your project filepath):

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id id-here --paths /year/month/name/

Note: For cloudfront you must add extra configuration
