

Closed this issue · 5 comments

YeJZ commented


Hi, I have some doubts, why do we need to overwrite libstagefright_soft_mp3dec.so with the content of mymod.ko? Since we have tampered with /vendor/bin/modprobe, why not just execute finit_module(mymod.ko) and call the interface that closes SELINUX? What is the purpose of calling open(*.so) first?

The dump of selinux policy:

$ sesearch -A policy-dump|grep module_load
allow init-insmod-sh vendor_kernel_modules:system module_load;
allow ueventd vendor_file:system module_load;
allow vendor_modprobe vendor_file:system module_load;

By selinux enforcement, vendor_modprobe can load modules only from vendor_file files. It means finit_module must be called on fd which points to a vendor_file file.
Otherwise finit_module fails with EACCES.

Furthermore init_module with memory buffer is also prohibited by selinux.

It is only way I found to load module.

YeJZ commented

The dump of selinux policy:

$ sesearch -A policy-dump|grep module_load
allow init-insmod-sh vendor_kernel_modules:system module_load;
allow ueventd vendor_file:system module_load;
allow vendor_modprobe vendor_file:system module_load;

By selinux enforcement, vendor_modprobe can load modules only from vendor_file files. It means finit_module must be called on fd which points to a vendor_file file. Otherwise finit_module fails with EACCES.

Furthermore init_module with memory buffer is also prohibited by selinux.

It is only way I found to load module.

Thank you very much for your answer. So the purpose of open lib*.so is to bypass selinux's restriction on disabling memory buffers when loading_module. In other words, open lib*.so is to load memory buffers into modprobe process, and these memory buffers will be used in the payload of closing selinux or get root?

I am still a little unclear about where the buffers brought by lib*.so are used in the code.Can you point out the lines of code that use these buffers? Thank you very much.

It is loaded inside kernel. Kernel loads file content into kernel memory from fd, then executes it.


YeJZ commented

It is loaded inside kernel. Kernel loads file content into kernel memory from fd, then executes it.


thank you very much. If my understanding is correct, assuming that mymod.ko has the role of vendor_file, then lib*.so is not needed, just open(mymod.ko) directly, and then call finit_module(fd) to complete the exploit.


But in reality, you can't change context of any file because of selinux.