
Comments hard to read in default oh-my-zsh color pallette

qpwo opened this issue · 3 comments

qpwo commented


Given a good portion of users will be using this with oh-my-zsh on the default color palette, could be nice if comments were a bit easier to read.

Thanks for making this.

Thanks for reaching out! Since i personally don't use oh my zsh, do you mind providing reproduction steps?

Btw bropages uses the excellent bat to apply syntax highlight, so exposing a way to specify themes should not be too hard!

I've added a new cli option --theme to specify theme supported by the underlying syntax highlighting library and changed default theme to OneHalfDark, hope it helps.
Way to specify theme:

bro --theme=GitHub xclip

# list all themes
bro --list-themes

Will publish to crates.io shortly.

qpwo commented

Excellent, thank you so much for this wonderful tool.