
Suggested install method no longer works

quaintdev opened this issue · 2 comments

I was trying to install ponzu using go get command as per the documentation but while trying to use that command I get following error

go get: github.com/willf/bitset@v1.1.10 updating to
	github.com/willf/bitset@v1.2.1: parsing go.mod:
	module declares its path as: github.com/bits-and-blooms/bitset
	        but was required as: github.com/willf/bitset

I ended up cloning the repository and running

go mod init 
cd cmd/ponzu
go install

same here, but a bigger question is, is this project still actively developed? seems no activities in two years.

It seems to install OK on ubuntu , but I couldn t get a new project to run for now.

A new project gives me a lot of go get and then it runs !!
Only wired thing i had t "go get test/cmd/ponzu" ..not sure what it is... first time with ponzu
