poojesh-ws's Stars
A Flutter template application showcasing - Clean architecture, Responsive design, State management, Decoupled widgets using the connector pattern, Dependency Injection, Widget, Unit, Golden and E2E testing, Navigation, Localization, Material 3 dynamic theming, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.
An enterprise react template application showcasing - Testing strategy, Global state management, middleware support, a network layer, component library integration, localization, PWA support, route configuration, lazy loading and CI/CD
An enterprise react-native template application showcasing - Testing strategy, Global state management, middleware support, a network layer, component library integration, localization, navigation configuration and CI
A CLI tool that works with the react template and allows you to scaffold tests, containers, components and stitches them all together preventing wastage of time in setup and boilerplate code.
An enterprise Express GraphQL template application built using nodejs showcasing - Testing Strategy, DB migrations and seeding, integration with an ORM, containerization using Docker, GraphQL Interface, support for GraphQL relay, integration with graphql-sequelize, support for aggregation queries, PostgreSQL
A temporal deployment tool which lets you setup , deploy and get your temporal service running on ECS in few minutes. This tool deploys Temporal Server , RDS , OpenSearch and Temporal UI. AWS Copilot is used to do the deployment part.
A Nodejs hapi boilerplate application with out of the box support for Docker, Redis cache, DB migrations and seeders, rate limiting, and paginated endpoints.
An enterprise GraphQL template application built using Golang showcasing - Testing Strategy, DB migrations and seeding, integration with an ORM, containerization using Docker, GraphQL Interface, PostgreSQL, subscriptions, redis caching, paginated endpoints.
A repository of serverless applications showcasing how to orchestrate cloud infrastructure for varied use cases with multiple cloud infrastructure providers.
K8s template that is fully cloudnative!
A CLI tool that allows you to create batteries and integrated full-stack products. Pick from a range of frontend and backend templates, chose your favorite database, and sit back and relax while we deploy to AWS. Don’t worry about future deployments it comes with baked-in CI/CD pipelines
Ability to generate automated metrics for your every releases.
This repository contains a 10 step program to enter the world of Data Engineering
An enterprise react graphql template application showcasing - Testing strategy, Global state management, middleware support, a network layer, component library integration, localization, PWA support, route configuration, lazy loading and CI/CD
An enterprise GraphQL template application built using Golang showcasing - Testing Strategy, DB migrations and seeding, integration with an ORM, containerization using Docker, GraphQL Interface, MySQL, subscriptions, redis caching, paginated endpoints.
A helm chart that enables logging, monitoring, alerting and distributed tracing in k8s. It bundles state of the art tools like Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger along with the EFK stack to give you a batteries included observability setup in a single command. Navigating a k8s cluster setup is tricky enough, we ensure that monitoring shouldn't be.