
[Feature] Adding functionality to the buy now button.

bhuvangoel04 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


When the user clicks on Buy now button, the user is redirected tot the checkout page.




Congratulations, @bhuvangoel04! ๐ŸŽ‰ Thank you for creating your issue. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. Keep up the great work!

We will promptly review your changes and offer feedback. Keep up the excellent work! Kindly remember to check our contributing guidelines

Please explain the workflow of how do you plan to execute this. @bhuvangoel04

Here the checkout button is only fetching data from the cart. We can pass the product data to the Checkout component through navigation to modify the Checkout component to handle both fetching data from the cart and directly from the product page when the user clicks the "Buy Now" button.
First pass the product data when navigating to the Checkout component and then
Check for the passed product data and handle the state accordingly.

You should also explain why passing the product data is required @bhuvangoel04

@AjayAsnani Placing an order requires data like size, quantity, username and the item to be bought.
Also ,If the user is buying directly, the cart items are not cleared from the database after placing the order so placeOrder will also be modified.

Ohk sounds good to me.
@pooranjoyb @Mahitej28 your words on this.

Go ahead @bhuvangoel04 and keep updating.

I will try to make a pull request by end of tomorrow.
Until then can you please add gssoc labels to it and assign me.

Don't worry about labels we will take care of that you just make sure that work is completed without any errors.
Also, look for responsiveness with what you are implementing.

Just level1 for so many changes?
Please recheck if you can at least change it to level2.
I will be very thankful.