
[Feature] Reset Password Feature

Closed this issue · 13 comments


User should receive a follow-up mail to change the password.

Research on this https://supabase.com/docs/reference/javascript/auth-resetpasswordforemail





i would like to work on this issue

I would like to join this issue

I would like to work on the issue


i would like to work on this issue

Go ahead @dhruv8433

please assign me @pooranjoyb

Hey @Elanngo-Madheswaran it is based on fcfs.


add me in supabase so i can check password resend email is configured or not and password will chnaged or not


add me in supabase so i can check password resend email is configured or not and password will chnaged or not

Email please.


add me in supabase so i can start work

yes done :) @dhruv8433