
Submitting invalid paths "opens" non-existant directories.

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As of af4828a entering an invalid path - either locations which don't exist or paths which aren't directories - opens what appears to be a valid directory that doesn't actually exist. Using the cosmic-files repo as an example:

├── build.rs
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── debian
├── examples
├── i18n
├── i18n.toml
├── justfile
├── README.md
├── res
├── samples
├── src
└── target

If I attempt to submit the path .../cosmic-files/test - which does not exist - I am shown:


If I attempt to create a file or a folder in the non-extant directory, I get an error:


Similarly, if I submit .../cosmic-files/Cargo.toml the file - which does exist, but is not a directory - is similarly shown as having been opened:


Similarly, if I attempt to create a file or folder, I also get an error. In this case, it is a not a directory error.