
Building with "just"

meerfrau opened this issue · 2 comments

When building for Arch by

prepare() {
cd "launcher-$pkgver"
export CARGO_HOME="$srcdir/cargo-home"
export RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=stable
just vendor

sed -i 's|{{bin_path}}|/usr/bin/pop-launcher|g' justfile

build() {
cd "launcher-$pkgver"
export CARGO_HOME="$srcdir/cargo-home"
export RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=stable
just vendor=1

I'm getting error: Variable vendor overridden on the command line but not present in justfile

Do you ask to build the pop_os launcher with https://github.com/casey/just or is this totally against your will?

Not sure what you're asking exactly, but this project uses just: https://github.com/pop-os/launcher/blob/master/justfile

You should report packaging issues to whomever maintains the package for Arch.