
[Suggestion] Additional permission for removing from list.

mrfloris opened this issue · 1 comments

We might make this a perk for active regular players, and by default negate this for everybody.

default group:

everybody higher than default group:

However, it's possible that every once in a while there's someone who loses their privileges, like ex team member, or donator who charged back, etc. They will then no longer be able to remove from the list.

If I could add

default group:
negate main permission
but allow remove permission

and everybody higher than default group:
allow to remove

Then this would solve that for us.

I hereby kindly request an additional permission to allow groups specifically access to /trust remove

@mrfloris Sorry for taking so long, got busy and also got a new PC recently.

The primary permission node is still lwctrust.trust but it now includes sub nodes which can be individually toggled: lwctrust.trust.add, lwctrust.trust.remove, and lwctrust.trust.list.

In your case, all you should need to do is set lwctrust.trust.remove: false in your default group.