
[Suggestion] Destroying secured blocks by players added to the trust list

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Add the ability to destroy secured blocks by people added to the trust list.

Why? Because /cmodify nick adds the player to the block and allows you to destroy it, so blocking destroy by players it on the trust list is pointless.

Uh... not quite sure what you mean. Are you suggesting that /cmodify gives players the ability to destroy your protections? It actually does not, last I checked.

If someone is added to the trust, they should be able to to destroy my chests, I don't understand why this is blocked.

Yes, /cmodify for chests allows another player added to such protection to destroy it.

If i make chest and add another player to my all lwc /trust add nick then another player can't destroy this chest.

Trusted players have the same access as if you ran /cmodify for the player on every single one of your protections. If you are not the actual owner of the protection, even if you are modified to it, you cannot destroy that protection since it is not yours.

This is how it works in LWC and by extension also in LWC Trust.