
Update Contact Poplus to link to ...

Opened this issue · 4 comments

... either an email address or web form or both.

@netclift just checking -- you mean the "Contact us" link in the footer the currently goes to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/poplus right?

screen shot 2015-02-05 at 09 18 47

Yes, that's it.

For now, let just link to - poplusoutreach@e-democracy.org OR forward contact@poplus.org to that address.

My recommendation is that we link it eventually to a free 3 user account on ZenDesk and figure out who will help respond in addition to me after March.

@lfalvarez this might be one for you then -- can you guys can set a forward on the contact@poplus.org address please?

@davewhiteland I'll check it ASAP!