
Content and copy requests

MyfanwyNixon opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm using this ticket to gather together various requests about new text/copy on the website - it's probably best to wait until the new site is live before we actually implement any of them.

Some of these will involve the creation of new pages, which we will ticket separately - this ticket is just for copy requirements.

Please feel free to add subsequent copy requests as comments.

  1. Copy about the committee sub-groups on the 'Join us' page [Myf to write]
  2. Copy about how to add your blog posts to the Planet blog feed - this can go on the blog page. [Myf or José to write]
  3. A clearer description of what happened at the Poplus conference with perhaps a round-up of the posts from around the world - this can expand the copy that is already on the PoplusCon page. [Myf]
  4. Links to sites where Components have been deployed. This is for the non-developer groups who might want to use Components but can't see at a glance what they are for or how they work. This will be a new sub-page. [Jen]
  5. Link to the promotional materials for people attending conferences - this will be a new sub-page and we will need to think about where in the site it will sit. [Lucha]
  6. Contact page including email address for press enquiries [Lucha]

Any more?