
Rename filename dialog improvements

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Over time I've come to use the Rename filename feature extensively in Pictus and find it super useful. Below are a couple extra things I feel would boost its usefulness.

  • Ability to resize window. If the rename window could be manually resized horizontally and the width saved for next time it would allow more space to view and edit medium to long filenames.
  • A maximum filename length checker and character limiter, so the max editable length is within the maximum ~260 characters Windows File Explorer supports for that particular path location, which would solve the current issue when clicking 'OK' that discards any changes over that limit. I encounter the latter issue frequently as I often run over the max number of characters.

I'm not sure how the second point could be implemented since I know some don't use Windows File Explorer and thus aren't limited to 260 characters, though Pictus does seem to tie its renaming dialog to that length already given it discards changes when over that limit.