(S6) Does not OUCH. Looking for the wrong log files?
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Roborock S6 rooted and VALETUDO CFW 2024.06.2
Installed without issues via SSH/SCP
rrlog.conf existing and writable, set LOGLEVEL to 8
started oucher and started cleaning. no sound on bumps. SSH window output:
[root@rockrobo oucher]# /mnt/data/oucher/oucher
INFO[0000] Oucher is starting
WARN[0000] Error reading config file, using defaults: Config File "oucher" Not Found in "[/mnt/data/oucher /etc]"
INFO[0000] Oucher started, waiting for bumps
ERRO[0070] open /run/shm/NAV_TRAP_normal.log: no such file or directory
ERRO[0070] open /run/shm/NAV_normal_pl9.log: no such file or directory
ERRO[0071] open /run/shm/NAV_normal.log: no such file or directory
checked directory during cleaning...
[root@rockrobo shm]# ls
CurrentAccessMap SLAM_fprintf.log blackbox.rr.pkg topHtmp.log
GridMap SharedMapElement loader.pid toptmp.log
HistoricalAccessMap SharedMapInfo mcu_version ver
NAV_TRAP_fprintf.log SharedMultiMapInfo navmap6865504.ppm watchdoge.pid
NAV_normal.log StateChange rrlogd.pid
PersistInfoGroup TempObsPointData sn
nano NAV_normal.log
2024/09/17 18:40:48 NAV P528
17, 8418963 T550 RobotDevice::Subscribe:142 [err] [PL6] Sensor ObjectDetectRect is not supported
18, 8422369 T549 ConfigHandler::WriteContent:321 [err] [PL6] SettingTypeException
19, 8424695 T550 RobotDevice::Subscribe:142 [err] [PL6] Sensor ObjectDetectRect is not supported
nano NAV_TRAP_printf.log (excerpt)
8412859 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.0/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,0>
8412928 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.1/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:-0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,>
8413008 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.1/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:-0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,>
8413088 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.1/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:-0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,>
8413168 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.1/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:-0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,>
8413248 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.1/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:-0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,>
8413328 RAW T:0.00,0.00 a:0.1/0.00/0.00 p:-0.01/-0.06 YD:-0.00(0) 0.00(70.00) 0 OC:0.0/1(0)/109222/0/0/0/0/0/0,>
is CFW VALETUDO unsupported? Is oucher looking for the wrong log? do my sensors have any errors? roborock cleans without issues and bumper also works flawlessly
Hi there! Yeah, the S6 is probably writing to some log files Oucher does not know yet. I don't own an S6 so I'll need your help to find out. You should probably do a tail -f
on the log files you found, while cleaning, try hitting the bumper and see what it logs. If you can give me some samples of what you find, I can add those log files to the ones Oucher looks at.
Thank you!