Shorthand properties using JS object syntax
SkylerLipthay opened this issue · 5 comments
Is it intentional that shorthand properties are not available when using JS objects to specify CSS rules? For example:
console.log(b('b 1').style);
console.log(b('b: 1').style);
console.log(b({ b: 1 }).style);
{ bottom: '1px' }
{ bottom: '1px' }
{ bottom: '1px' }
{ b: '1px' }
Ah, no that's not intentional, thanks for finding that. I'll include the fix in v. 2 since it's kind of a breaking change ;)
A couple more shortcomings with JS object syntax:
p(b`padding 0 7`)
p(b({ padding: '0 7' }))
b.helper('abc', `color red`)
p(b`fontSize 13; abc`)
p(b({ fontSize: 13, abc: true }))
{ style: { padding: '0px 7px' } }
{ style: { padding: '0 7' } }
{ style: { fontSize: '13px', color: 'red' } }
{ style: { fontSize: '13px', abc: 'truepx' } }
Very nice @SkylerLipthay thank you!
For the second issue, I hadn't considered that kind of helper usage.. You could also do:
b({ fontSize: 13 }).abc
but i can see the merit in being able to toggle a helper in an object like that...
Ah of course, thanks. That's a cleaner work-around than b({ fontSize: 13}) + b`abc`
. I can't think of any consequences of adding this toggle functionality to the object syntax, but then again I know little about bss's pipeline. Although I will mention that I'm interested why 'px'
is appended to true
Yeah, so was I :D Apparently isNan(true | false | null)
is false which I find a bit weird.. (it's used to figure out if we have a number and wan't to add px..) Guess I'll have to make a better check :)
I think the object setup is worth considering... true/false doesn't really have any sense in css, and if they did it should be strings 'true' / 'false'
, so it might lead somewhere interesting :)
Wrt. helpers the original thought actually came from tachyons so that you could do