
Need add table data

Closed this issue · 8 comments

In log need to add table data. Better like expanding element.

I'm not quite sure in which view we should add the table data. You are refering to examples of scenario outlines right?

I mean if step having table data. For example:
"Given user login using credentionals:
| login | password |
| user1 | pass1 |"
I imagine it like abillity to expand step which contains table date.
Like this:
">Given user login using credentionals:"
After press to ">":
"Given user login using credentionals:
| login | password |
| user1 | pass1 |"

Yes that's missing at the moment. I'll have a bit of spare time during the weekend. I'll give it a try. Thanks for reporting it!

I've added a first draft in 9ec95ef, but I'm not quite satisfied with the layout. I've deployed the newest version on heroku - can you take a look at it?

Looks fine!

But I doesn't see expands and collapse table ability. :)

I just added a Show/Hide button in commit: 2fb06de
