Enhancement idea - Create toggle option for touch screen friendly mode.
Opened this issue · 2 comments
PeterDragonTM commented
What is the goal:
Create an option that would remove the file browser and command console, leaving only the remote control section of Mayhem Hub. The remote only display would also auto center on the screen per the devices resolution.
What is the benefit:
This would create a display that is touch screen friendly for devices such and tablets, phones or small form factor devices such as a RasberryPi with a touch display. Allowing for better ease of use when using Mayhem Hub as a remote control via said touch device.
Nice to have:
Keep the background of this mode black as an indication that you are not in the normal mode.
- Normal Mode: Cool color background, indicates you are in the normal mode.
- Remote Only Mode: Black background as a visual indicator that you are no in the normal mode.
jLynx commented
@PeterDragonTM is this still an issue with the new/current layout?
pedromorais-raidiam commented